
Servando: Art – Paintings

framed painting

This is my art. These are Italian paintings I buy at Goodwill. I think of all the time that someone spent making this art that ends up selling so cheap. I buy it and keep it. I collect art. I also collect pennies.

Ése es mi arte. Son pinturas italianas que compro en Goodwill. Pienso en todo el tiempo que alguien pasó haciendo este arte que termina vendiéndose tan barato. Yo lo compro y lo guardo. Colecciono arte, y también monedas de un centavo. 

Servando: Bright Lights at Sunset

Elliot Bay sunset

There are some pictures of shinning. Those are signals in the sky.This is the kind of sunset over the Puget Sound. Yes, those are very bright lights. Here, I like seeing the reflections on the side. Personally, I have always wanted to see the auroras. Especially, the auroras borealis because I have never seen them. I’d like to go to the library so I can learn about all these things.

Servando: Starbucks and the Business I Want

white car in front of Starbucks

The picture is not about the white car. It’s about the Starbucks, the first Starbucks on Pike Place. All the other ones originated from this one. I want to set up my business and want it to be as successful as Starbucks. When I go back to my country to set up a business, I want to be as lucky and successful as Starbucks. Or at least, I want to have that in mind. I want the luck because I believe in it. If a man does not believe in luck, then he has nothing.

Servando: Self


The picture is in the same place. Also, the church give us clothes. In fact, almost everything I am wearing today was given to me, except for my shoes. I bought these shoes.

Can I take a picture which shows the clothes that you got here?

Yes, of course. I was given all these clothes.

Vero wants to know if all these clothes you are wearing were given at the church. Also, are you a fan of the Seahawks?

Servando: Hispanics at Church

people gathered around long tables

This is the food that they gave us in the church. In Mexico, the churches give food as well. Although, the churches in the US give more food since we don’t have a stable home. It feels like a wheel of fortune. At times, we are up, or we are in the middle or we are down. We cannot forget about our current situation, so the food does not really matter. The most important thing is that it is a place where you cannot be poisoned. Church is our safe place.

Servando: Church Is a Safe Place

outside of a church

This church is a shelter that represents a sanctuary for us immigrants. From here, they cannot kick you out. They can kick you out from many places but not from here. It does not matter whether you go or believe in God. However, you always have to bear in mind the commandments and not to sin, or at least sin as little as possible. I go to this church from time to time, but not always. On that day, I went and decided to take the picture.
