
Ramón: If You Delete Your Writing, Then Each Time You Start From Zero


I also like to write. I want to be a writer.

What do you write about?

I write about things I remember. Past loves, things about life, situations I’ve lived, memories of my childhood. I used to delete them all, but now I keep them. I also used to write by hand on a paper pad when I did not have a computer.

A mi también me gusta escribir. Quisiera ser escritor.

¿Y sobre qué escribe?

Ramón: My Phone is Like My Small Laptop


This is a picture of a laptop. I have a laptop but it doesn’t work anymore. Now I use my phone. I have two cell phones. One has a phone line, and this other one is smart phone but it does not have any phone line. I put a Bluetooth keyboard on it and I use it as a tablet. I watch programs in English, I play games, math games, and I watch things on YouTube, I listen to music. That’s how I relax, because if I just stay watching then I get sleepy.

Ramón: The Workers’ Assembly

man at whiteboard

He is preparing the agenda for the assembly at Casa Latina, organizing the topics that will be discussed. When he’s done he says, “Does anybody want to comment on the agenda? Do we want to add any other topics?” We discuss many different topics in the assemblies. There’s many rules here at Casa Latina and for me that’s good because you come here to be at peace, and that’s why the rules are there.
